Leap Ahead Summer Camp Information (Boise center)


Our summer camp program is designed for children ages 4-9 years old. Summer camp will begin at the Boise center on Monday, June 14th. If you need camp the first two weeks of June all campers will begin at Meridian center as we are still training our Boise camp teachers and getting our Boise center ready. 


Children will be transported in our 15-passenger van. Children will be seated in a booster or 5-point harness seat depending on age, size of the child, and Idaho state laws. Seats are provided by the center. We do not allow outside car seats to be used for insurance and safety purposes. All seats are checked regularly to ensure proper installation. 

Children are to be sent daily with the following:  

  • Labeled sunscreen, please be sure it is not expired.

  • Labeled water bottle, disposal or reusable is acceptable.

  • A lunch, lunches may be put in the refrigerator. We do have a microwave available for use. Please avoid sugary items, especially candy and soda. Some days we will be eating at parks, we will mention this on our calendar so you can avoid send an ice pack and items that don’t need microwaved.

  • A change of clothes in case of an accident, spill or some other incident

  • On water days (please check field trip schedule) send water shoes, swimsuit, and towel.

Toys must remain at home to prevent items from being lost or damaged at the center and to reduce conflict between other classmates.   

Snacks are provided by the center.  

Boise summer campers go on afternoon field trips. Close care will be made to be sure children do not overheat in the summer; care is made when planning field trips to ensure we are doing activities appropriate for the weather. At times the field trip may need to change due to weather, we will send a message when this occurs. 

Drop off time is 8:00am-9:30am and pick up time is 4:00pm-5:30pm. Early or late drop off may result in children missing their activities for the day or not being back yet from their field trips. 

All children will receive an account on ABCKam.com to view our center cameras while your child is in our care.  Cameras are being installed as quickly as possible but may not be ready by June 14th, will keep you all posted on this.

Children must be fully potty trained to attend field trips, diapers/pullups cannot be changed while out.  If your child has more than 1 BM accident or 2 wet accidents while on field trips they will not be able to attend field trips. Children are taken to the bathroom regularly and asked to try to help prevent accidents.  

Children will wear a center provided green shirt when out on field trips for safety, the shirts will be kept at the center and can be worn over regular clothes or changed into. Children will leave the shirts here at school and we will wash them on the weekend for the following week.  

Any person picking up a child must be on the child’s pick-up list; ID will be required if teacher has not met pick up person.  Summer camp rotates through teachers and it can take awhile for all teachers to recognize every parent.  

Daily reports, pictures, updates, invoices, and incidents will be sent via email. If not receiving emails, please check with the center that we have correct email address or that it is not in a spam folder.  

Center opens for summer camps at 8:00 am and closes at 5:30 pm, an early or late charge of $1 per minute will be charged for times outside of these hours.   

Weekly rate is $170 and daily rate is $37, drop offs are available if space allows. Field trip cost is included in this price.  

Invoices will be sent weekly by email for days used; invoices are sent on Monday. You may pay your invoices online or bring cash or check into the center. If your child is scheduled to attend summer camp and does not show for the day you will still be charged for the day unless you give at least 24-hour notice.   


Please email us at director@leapaheadprek.com to reserve your days, seats are available on a first come first serve basis with full time students given first priority. Email us if you have any further questions or concerns. We are so excited to see you all!